Why Ant Activity Increases During Summer And How To Prevent It

Understanding Ant Activity Patterns

Have you got a line of ants stretching from your kitchen to somewhere outside? Do you struggle to enjoy your home because thousands of ants always spoil the fun? Perhaps you need to implement some pest control measures.

During the summer, ant activity increases, leading to many instances of infestations. Here are some ways you can manage the situation and prevent them from returning.

More Food Availability

During the summer, the warmer temperatures tend to lead to increased food availability. As crops flourish and other animals procreate, an abundance of food sources becomes available. This makes it a great time for ants to forage and scavenge what they can to stock up for the winter and to provide fuel for their own breeding season.

Breeding Season

Summer is a breeding season for ants. The warmer temperatures make it the ideal time of year to make sure their young survive and thrive. With thousands of eggs and larvae to feed, ant activity will inevitably increase as they seek to ensure that their colony doesn’t starve.

Longer Daylight Hours

Ants like to do their thing during the day and rest at night. This is due to the fact that their eyes are better adapted to daylight conditions and also because they need the warmth of the day to regulate their body temperatures.

Nighttime also brings with it a host of unsavoury predators, so its safer to stay in the nest at night. Ants love summer because the days are longer and the nights are shorter.

How To Prevent Increased Ant Activity In Your Home

Keeping ants at bay during the summer can be tricky, but it’s achievable if you are diligent. Let’s take a quick look at some of the tactics you can use to keep them under control:

Clean Up Any Food or Water Sources

If you don’t leave crumbs or water puddles lying around for ants to use for sustenance, they won’t have any reason to invade. Keep your kitchen counters and floors clean, keep your food sealed or refrigerated, and clean your dishes regularly. Don’t leave food items lying around the house either.

Seal Cracks and Gaps

Look around your property for cracks and gaps in the walls, floors, cupboards, windows, and doors. This is where ants get in. If you can seal these off, you will cut off their access points.

Wherever you find cracks and gaps, try to seal them up with caulk, grout, or some kind of filler. Gaps around windows and doors can be a little more tricky, but rubber strips can go a long way towards ensuring these are sealed off too.

Try Using Natural Repellents

Natural substances like vinegar, lemon or orange peels, cinnamon, and chilli powder can be pretty effective at disrupting ant activity. Spraying or placing these substances around entry points such as doors, windows, cracks, and gaps can interfere with ants’ ability to follow scent trails and effectively head them off.

If you’re struggling with controlling the ants in your home, contact us at Enviro-Safe to come and help you take care of it. We have the necessary experience, expertise, and equipment to get rid of your pest problem once and for all.