Buzz Off: Guide to Fly Control in Food Settings

Essential Fly Control Tips for Food Environments

Flies are not just annoying, uninvited guests; they are also a disease risk. Wherever food preparation and consumption take place, you can be sure a few of these pests will try their luck. It’s part of life on planet Earth. Implementing effective fly control measures is essential to maintain hygiene and safety.

However, fly populations can get out of control and pose a significant health hazard. This is particularly concerning for restaurants and other businesses that prepare and serve food.

At such establishments, hygiene and the perception thereof should be a top priority, making it absolutely necessary to get an unruly fly population under control.

Here are some basic strategies for fly control in food-related settings:

Cleanliness is Key

One of the biggest factors in attracting fly populations is poor facility hygiene.

Since spills and crumbs draw flies quickly, you should clean them as soon as possible to prevent an infestation. Wipe down surfaces wherever food is prepared and eaten with detergents to remove any smells that can attract flies.

Overall sanitation is crucial, as this can help eliminate fly breeding sites and potential disease transmission.

Proper Garbage Disposal

Garbage, especially if it contains organic matter, is the most common place for flies to breed. Therefore, disposing of garbage properly can go a long way towards ensuring that fly populations are kept under control.

Trash cans should be kept tightly sealed and emptied regularly to prevent the buildup of food waste, which attracts flies. It is a good idea to put fly repellent or insecticide inside the trash can to prevent maggots from hatching.

Trash cans should also be kept a safe distance away from the building and ideally placed far away from food eating and preparation areas.

Fly Traps Work

Having fly traps placed can go a long way towards helping ensure that the fly population is kept under control.

Generally, it’s not advisable to put fly traps too close to where food is being prepared, as they can smell and pose a health risk. However, you can place them strategically to direct flies away from where the food is eaten and prepared.

Use Natural Repellents

Planting herbs like basil, mint, or lemongrass can help deter flies. These plants are pleasant for humans, and flies actively avoid them. By putting these types of plants on tables or spacing them around the food preparation and eating areas, you can significantly reduce the number of flies attracted to your food place.

Pest control can be daunting if you’re not sure how to handle it. Our Enviro-Safe team has the necessary experience, tools, and expertise to help you get rid of pests and keep them away for good. Contact us for expert insights into pest management now.