Exploring the Rodent Species Invading South Africa

They say that once you start seeing rodents on your property, an infestation is already underway. Thankfully, there are means and methods of preventing rodent infestations if you take preventative measures and act early.

Rodents frequently carry diseases and can also cause damage to property. Thankfully, the Enviro-Safe team has years of experience and all the right tools to keep any rodent populations under control, keeping your property safe and hygienic.

known to cause problems, here are some common rodent species found throughout South Africa.

House Mice

House mice might look cute with their pointed noses, large ears, and long tails, but they carry diseases and can destroy food stocks. They are typically grey or brown and very small.

Keeping house mice under control includes ensuring food sources are kept in rodent-proof containers and not left out in the open to attract them.

Also, entry points should be sealed, and traps should be set to keep these little critters under control.

Norway Rats

Norway rats are quite common and are larger than house mice, typically with coarse brown fur and short tails. These little pests are excellent swimmers and can burrow very well.

Generally, they are attracted to garbage bins, so making sure your garbage is properly secured can go a long way towards keeping them away.

Clearing vegetation away from your buildings and removing clutter from the perimeter can also help prevent these rats from making nests on your property.

Roof Rats

Roof rats are some of the most common types of rats you’ll find. As their name suggests, they like to live inside roofs, where they nest, scavenge, and breed.

These agile climbers have slender bodies with large ears and long tails and are often black or dark brown.

Keeping roof rats at bay involves setting traps and using rodenticides placed in areas inaccessible to children and pets. Keeping your roof entryways sealed off and removing vegetation from around the house can go a long way towards keeping these rats under control.


These rodents, officially called rock hyraxes, are relatively large rodents resembling big brown guinea pigs. They have stout bodies with extremely short tails, short legs, rounded ears, and a square nose.

Indigenous to South Africa, dassies are not an invasive species. Usually, they are happy to live among the rocks in the wild. However, in residential areas, especially those bordering on velds and beaches, they can become a significant pest and totally destroy gardens and landscapes.

Keeping dassies at bay involves removing vegetation they are attracted to and sealing any openings or crevices in boundary walls to prevent entry. Visual or auditory deterrents such as motion-activated lights or ultrasonic devices can play a powerful role in discouraging dassies from approaching your property.

Humane bait traps can help control infestations, in addition to dogs, who are also known to be effective deterrents.

If you need expert assistance in keeping rodent infestations at bay and under control, contact Enviro-Safe today. We can provide the necessary tools, experience, and insight to help ensure that your property remains rodent free.